Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mint Green Tea Lemonade - Weekend Recipe

I wanted to give a refreshing beverage you could enjoy at anytime this holiday weekend and I found it in this combo!  This cooling beverage is not too sweet and offers a uniquely refreshing blend of fresh seasonal flavors.
Mint Green Tea Lemonade
1/2 cup packed fresh mint
1 cup sugar
2 cups water, divided
1 cup fresh lemon juice (yes you have to squeeze some!)
8 cups iced green tea (or other iced tea)

Combine mint leaves, sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan, then bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.  Turn off heat and let cool.  Once cool, remove mint leaves and combine with lemon juice.  In a large pitcher, combine iced tea and remaining 1 cup water, then pour the lemon mixture into it.  Serve chilled or over ice, with mint leaves for garnish.

This is my 400th post!  For those who read to the end of a post this is your reward.  Email me your address at and I will send you a package of Sun Tea so you can enjoy a cool beverage!

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