Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Garden Fresh Salsa

Tomatoes, peppers and all the fixin's for our summer favorites are ripening in the garden now.  Time to roll a few of those recipes out!  Today's share:

Excerpted from the article "Cilantro or Is It Coriander?"
by Kathy Rohrbaugh, Penn State Master Gardener
March/April '13 issue, The Essential Herbal Magazine

Garden Fresh Salsa
2 - 3 large tomatoes, peeled, seeded, coarsely chopped 
1 to 2 Serrano chili or Jalapeño peppers seeded and chopped (protect your hands while cutting these little guys) Make it as hot as you like
1/3 c chopped green onions
3 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 fresh garlic clove minced
2 tbsp lime juice
¼ tsp sea salt
½ c canned tomato sauce

In a medium sized bowl, combine all ingredients; mix well. Cover and refrigerate until serving time.
Serve with your favorite corn chips. Approx. 2 ½ cups
(Note: This recipe was the 2005 1st place winner in the Pennsylvania “Simply delicious” Vegetable Contest)
Another of our very favorites is Cucumber Lime Salsa.  The cukes are climbing all over the fence, so it's time to be making that one too.
Check out Basil Pesto and a few others we served a bus of herbal travelers a few years ago!

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