Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Day of Rare and Singular Beauty

We've been slogging through humidity and heat, rain and ... did I mention humidity?  Last night I put some fuzzy socks on.  In the middle of August.  This morning I woke to a crystalline morning.  The open windows blew the curtains crazily into the rooms.  I huddled on the sofa drinking my morning coffee in a sweater - grinning.  I don't know what the temperature or the percentage of humidity was on any charts or scales, only that it was a perfect day.
We expect another one tomorrow.
Without a doubt, it feels like fall.  The leaves on all the trees had their undersides turned out as if it were dry and they were awaiting a rain.  The sky and the quality of light signal fall arriving - and of course the school buses out practicing their routes and the advertisements everywhere.  This is the first year in 17 that they have no power over my life. 
Certainly we'll return to the muggy, close, hot days of August and early September, but right this moment - it is perfect.

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