Thursday, September 12, 2013

We get by with a little help from our friends

The mailbox was crammed with good stuff yesterday, and it made me think about how many friends we all have who are finding their own ways to take on the challenges of our 21st century economy.  Some of us have been at it for decades and have watched the tides rise and fall.  Personally, I love having the ability to duck the time clock, and really enjoy giving encouragement to others.
On that note, I'd like to share some of these people who are putting themselves out there and taking their shot.
First up is a local musician, Victor Jenks.  Give a listen while you read :-)  He's been honing his skills for many years, but this contest (he's currently in about 25th place out of over 3000) will give him the chance to do some great stuff.  We used to work together, and I would love to see him win.  In his song "Wings", the line, "I'm gonna fly right by ya" has been in my head for a few days, and it's not a bad thing!
Our friend Michele Brown at Possum Creek Herb Farm came out with her first solo book (she is a contributor in An Elder Gathering) and I grabbed a handful to take along to the Roots & Wings Fall Fest next month.

It's beautiful and filled with great information that will give gardeners - new and "seasoned" ideas for growing and using 12 useful plants.
Our friend Maeve has made lovely candles and offered counseling for years, but the recent budget cuts for education have brought this talent of hers into the forefront.
Please take a look at some of her work.
Leann Blackey has been a soap artist for many years.  Her creations are simply stunning.  Being a soapmaker myself, I know that that it will be a little hard to use each of these works of art for the first time, but also know that she can make more!

The soap is luxurious and beautifully scented, and I've heard her lotions are out of this world.  Her shop:  WildSense aromatics
Lastly, there's this talented young lady who can help small businesses with their content - blogs, product descriptions, website content, and social media (she's currently helping me with Pinterest).
Full disclosure - she's my very own daughter.  Recently graduated with a degree in professional writing, let her help you navigate all the demands of social media for a very reasonable fee.  Visit Left-Handed Content for details.

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