Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The herbal frenzy that is July

Wow! What a busy time this is! Last week I posted a quick Friday blog, knowing that the next few days would be a blur, and that's been true.
The deadline for the magazine was on the 15th, so we just about had everything figured out in time for Ms Laura Daniel to arrive for a quick weekend among the plants. We had a great time relaxing and talking. It was really fun! I may have mentioned that we wound up getting a fence built around the critter feeding I mean vegetable garden. I asked Jim from J&J Growers at market if he had any bedding plants left to plant around the outside, and that lovely man showed up with three incredible, wonderful, glowing FLATS of marigold and wax begonia. You know what that means, of course... I have to plant them. So we've been working weeding and planting into the morning and night routine around here.
Monday the liquor store opened with my face pressed against the glass waiting to purchase a gallon of vodka. Oh, how things have changed! I'm not even going to drink any! Everything around here is just begging to be jarred up and tinctured. Once we get a handle on that, we can get the still back up and running again. The freezer is stocked with ice, just waiting. Seriously, I stopped for liquor on my way home from a delightful visit with my long-time friend Karen, who - we realized while talking with her mother - was a cohort in the Cherub Choir when we were but we munchkins. Wow. Imagine.And then we continued as friends all through school, but lost touch upon graduation. FaceBook, you crazy fun thing. More tinctures and some single teabag samplers needed to be readied for market, You can order them that's done too. There is a soap order that needs to be ready - and then, and then....
This is a great time of year.

OH! And if I haven't mentioned it -
Wondiferous Weed Walk in Somerset PA
don't miss it!
Contact Barb to pre-register at

One last note...
The Essential Herbal is not a business location, and we do not have hours of operation other than listed class times.

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