Friday, September 4, 2009

Milestones can be heavy...

To begin with, this is the 500th post on the blog. I've been mulling it over and thinking about it - and you'll notice that I haven't written for a long time! Somehow it felt that it should be monumental or important. Let's just say that we could wait forever for that to happen - OR - we could say that happens every day. Depends on the outlook.
The other milestone was the littlest herbie going off to college. She didn't go far, but it is very different here. Before she was born, I loved to feel her moving around, safe and warm. It was a feeling that all was right with the world. After she was born, I missed that feeling.
The other day I woke up and stayed a while, thinking against the pillow, realizing that each morning for the last 18 years my first thought upon waking has been about Molly, being conscious of where she was, whether she was awake, what we had to accomplish that day. Having her live somewhere else is a little disconcerting. I will probably get used to it. I may even come to like it. We'll see.
There. I did it.
Now we can move on and not fret until the 1000th post.
In the meantime, download this free issue of TEH and share it with your friends.
Happy Labor Day!

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