Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunchoke Chips

For some reason I woke up today with the idea of making chips from roots. Like Jerusalem artichoke (sunchoke), burdock, dandelion, etc. I grabbed the shovel as soon as I was dressed and headed out looking for nice burdock, but all I could find was yellow dock and sour dock. I did dig some yellow dock, and then came back up to the house to dig sunchokes. Not much, though. We have a tour tomorrow and it wouldn't do to dig up the whole patch today (although the idea came to me when I was trying to think of something unique to serve our guests).
The sunchokes were a delight to work with. They fried up crispy and delicious.
The yellow dock was difficult. It was tough and didn't want to be sliced, although slicing on a diagonal helped slightly.
I sprinkled the chips with some popcorn seasoning blend that came in a spice blend swap we did last year, and it was really good! Plain salt would have worked too.
Considering that these are to be pleasant, I probably wouldn't try the yellow dock again. I will be looking for burdock, though. Oh - and the oil was coconut, which was very easy to work with!

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