Sunday, November 8, 2009

..met a pieman, going to the shore...

A month or so ago, I baked a delicious elderberry pie. A berry/pie fiend/friend of mine was beside himself when he saw the picture. So into the freezer went a pie-sized quantity of fresh berries, biding their time for their big moment.
Tomorrow he and I will go to the shore for a few days, and so it was time to get out the elderberries! At the same time, my daughter has been ill, and I'd like her to take some back to college tomorrow.
What to do, what to do?
Maybe I could change the pie recipe to tarts? Maybe use a cupcake tin?
So, I flattened a paper cupcake liner and used that as a cutting template.
Once the dough was inside the pan, I used scissors to cut out the excess triangles of dough and saved that for the tops. It took some time, but I got 12 circles out of 2 pie crusts.
The filling:
4 cups elderberries
1 (scant) cup sugar
3 T cornstarch
juice from one lemon
Heat oven to 375 degrees
I used a canning funnel to ladle the filling into the tartshells. Then I used tiny cookie cutters to make shapes to go on top. Also, some of the leftover dough was used to build up the edges. Into the oven they went for about 25 minutes. At 15 minutes I spun them, because my oven cooks the back ones first. They came out pretty well.
Another experiment that didn't go too badly!
The best part? There will be enough for everyone, and I hope that they will all feel special and loved.

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