Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November begins at TEH

We are really stepping here!
Orders and renewals are coming in....
The classes are starting to come together after a couple of false starts, and there will be people learning in the kitchen for the next couple months of Saturdays. This week it will be tinctures - one of my favorites.
The shop at Frog Hollow is about ready to roll for the year, and it is basically an extended version of our booth from the farm market. The really cool part is that we don't need to schlep it and set it up and break it down each week!
Maryanne's wholesale soap business is keeping us hopping as shops stock up for the coming holidays, and while I was doing the mailing last night, she was making a batch of liquid soap. We've been playing around with some seriously cool molded soaps lately, too.

As for the magazine, we're in that very short break between getting an issue out and getting serious about the next one. Last night I put together a mailing for a few hundred people who have managed to resist renewing for over a year --- last call before the names go into a dump file. What can I say? Some people knit while they sit and watch a show in the evening. I prepare bulk mailings :-).
There are several elderberry candy orders here, so it looks like that's what I'll be doing after dropping the mailing and the orders at the post office.
This is my favorite time of year (wait... didn't I say that in April?) Ok, ok... there are many favorite times, which makes me lucky. I do love the hustle and bustle. It's invigorating to be trying to figure out how to get things done in between this class, those orders, writing an article for somebody, and spending a day at Radiance.

If Spring is a season of rising sap and walking in the woods feeling the green-ness, Autumn is the brisk, hub-bub of business and getting everything accomplished in shorter light hours. It is talking to people instead of plants. It is blankets and slippers and cocoa.

Welcome, November! I've missed you.

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