Tuesday, June 29, 2010

July Subscribers' Contest

We're about ready to start the contest, and most of you have gotten the magazine with the insert explaining. If you're on the fence about a subscription, act quickly so you can participate too!

Here's how it works: Each time a new subscription comes in with "(your name) sent me" in the comments section of the shopping cart, we'll add an issue onto the end of your subscription, up to a full year of 6. AND each time that happens, we'll throw your name into the hat for prizes that we've begun collecting for a drawing at the end of the month. The person with the most referrals automatically wins an herbal treasure trove worth more than $100 in addition to the free issues added onto their subscription and chances to win other prizes.

You can take your copy of TEH to herb groups and talk about it, tell people on the groups and forums where you think they'd be interested, blog it, mention it in a newsletter, share it with them on Facebook and other social networking groups - or anything else you think of. Here is the link to the free sample issue
http://www.essentialherbal.com/documents/sample.pdf in case you would like to use that.

New subscribers who come on board during July will be eligible to participate too!

On the 15th (or thereabouts) I will post a blog of the prizes that we have lined up, and again at the time of the drawing.

Good luck everyone!

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