Sunday, July 11, 2010

getting there

This morning when I checked out what my friends have been up to on Facebook, and the first post was from Gail Faith Edwards. She talked about the solar eclipse that although not visible in our part of the world, is happening today. The suggestion was to write down our intentions for ourselves and our families.That struck me very deeply, and made me think about the paths we all follow, and whether or not we plan them or just let the wind blow us along. With a kid in college, this is a big topic in our house, but it usually focuses on those who are just beginning the journey. Sometimes we forget that no matter where we are in our travels, we still need to be headed in some direction.
Just last night I was wondering about this in a vague way. It was one of those moments when I was feeling unsettled and bored (it could have had a lot to do with the long, gray day), considering whether I was still moving along, or had just settled into a rut.
That may seem silly to someone on the outside looking in. The most recent book went to the printer last week and will go on sale tomorrow. We began work on the Sept/Oct issue of The Essential Herbal yesterday. The fall/winter compilation of the first 5 years (By the Hearth) is in the works for a September release, and all of the necessary parental paperwork for the next year of college is properly filed. But those things are all external.
So Gail gave me a shove to really think about the next bend in the road, and what I'd like to see when I get around it. Everything requires some planning and thought. Before we move a muscle we first think of it, even if we don't notice it anymore. Certainly we can allow the wind to take us where it will, but is that where we want to go?
I know some things that are on that path, now I just have to give them some thought and breathe them into life.
Thanks, Gail!

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