Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bungling in the jungle

It has been a real struggle to blog for the past couple of weeks.
Beside putting out the newest book, the deadline was tailgating us for the next issue of The Essential Herbal magazine - which is safe and sound at the printer now. That might be enough to explain it, but those things are just part of the blockage.One of the people dearest to me is in the middle of a health crisis, and it leaves me feeling helpless and unable to form sentences at times, while there is a constant chatter in my head.
Then there is the wide network of on-line social/business media that I've created to support the business and stay in touch with all the friends and herbies I've come to know over the years. As much as I enjoy that, there are some times when it can become challenging.
If I had my druthers, I'd plant my tush under a big tree and have a good cry for a few days.
Unfortunately, that just doesn't cut it for the small business owner. You trudge on, hoping that your reactions and conversations are reasonable and don't come off too snappish. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Hopefully you've done a good enough job in the past however many years that people will overlook a few moments of ugh.
I'm certainly not alone in this situation. Right off the top of my head, I can think of three friends who are slogging through their own personal bogs of emotional turmoil. It's kind of interesting to stand at a distance and try to figure out all of the ways the internet has changed the way we deal with things.
For the first time, my go-to remedy for this kind of thing (holy basil and mimosa blend) isn't helping enough. Today I added some nettles (because I'm having a little fight or flight issue) and some goldenrod to give me some backbone.
Tomorrow, I will come up with a great blog post. I just know it :-). Maybe just saying it "out-loud" shift the load.

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