Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Loose Incense Kit - today's addition

I'm throwing this prize into the pot of prizes for the pre-release drawing for By the Hearth. As the big red cabbage bowl overflows, we keep adding prizes so everyone has a good chance at winning something!
This kit is also something that could be put together easily for gifting during the upcoming holidays, so here's what's in it in case you'd like to do something like that:
The burning container is a terracotta saucer that can be found in any garden center or craft store. Into the saucer, salt, sand, or pebbles are added to help dissipate the heat from the self-lighting charcoal disks (I wrapped the roll of charcoal in purple foil for aesthetics).
The incense is a blend of frankincense tears, myrrh granules, and balsam fir needles, approximately equal parts by volume.
Add a little label and instructions, put it together in a nice little bag (this one comes in a filmy purple sack), and you have a sweet gift. We've made these kits in different scents over the years for the various shops we've had, and then again for an herbal product "swap" that I participated in a couple of years ago.
In the middle of all this hub-bub, we're getting ready to start the next issue of The Essential Herbal magazine, and head into 2011! If you've never seen the magazine, download the sample magazine on the website to see what it's about. TEH is a print magazine, but the one on the site sold out, so we posted it as a sample.

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