Friday, February 11, 2011

Old Blog Round-up - Garden Planning

Before I moved my blog here to Blogspot, I had one linked to my website which no one ever saw.  Some of the items I wrote were rather informative.  Since few people got to enjoy them, I thought I would share the links to those garden planning posts in hopes of sharing a bit more than I have time to write at present. Please check out those that might help your garden planning this winter!
In January 2009 I wrote on Planning a Garden and Picking the Plants.  This link with take you to several different posts that detail how to choose the plants you put into your garden.

I’ve recently spoken about seed catalogs, but a post from February 26, 2009 details how to choose what is right for your garden space.

If your Garden Planning includes a theme garden, then here is some information on an Herbal Tea Garden you might like.  The information was so long, I took two days to share it:

Also on a garden planning theme I wrote about incorporating herbs into a non-herb gardens or a general landscape plan on March 9 & 10, 2009

I love scented geraniums which was obvious when I looked back at my blog were I wrote about them several times.  Here are some informative posts on working them into your garden plan.

This post talks about a new Lemon–scented Geranium cultivar from Richters

Planning a garden that you can enjoy even in the winter is a special interest of mine.  I did a series of blogs detailing plants to use that create texture and visual interest even when your garden is knee deep in snow (like mine is right now!)  These blogs on "Winter Interest" were posted in January and February 2010.  Here are the links to both months (scroll to the bottom of January to begin):

It took two months of posts to share what I knew about container gardening with herbs and I still don’t think I have shared it all.
I hope that you enjoy these links.  I have just finished making some herb flavored wine and as soon as I get the photos formatted I will share the steps for making it and also some recipes for using them!!
Thank you and Happy Gardening! 

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