Monday, March 7, 2011

Marching on...

I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow. It was quite a surprise. That's when I realized it is spring here - because the snow was shocking. That, and the fact that next weekend begins DST here! I LOVE the extra hour of light in the evening! It brings me out of my hermitage and I wake up to become social again.
We got in the last items from our shopping trip to NY. The cinnamon boxes were my favorite purchase. They are beautiful and highly fragrant. If you've been following my adventures of trying to make herb bowls, you'll know that these are the ultimate success!
We got some lightweight cotton totes too.
So now we have all kinds of fun items - magazines, books, dvds, kits for making soaps or balms and salves, dried wild-crafted herbs, tinctures, henna paste, carved wooden boxes, soaps, lotion bars, herbie implements, seed kits, seed-saving kits, magnetic poetry...
... all KINDS of cool herbalicious stuff!
Come look around at and get a little taste of spring yourself!
So free shipping offer for domestic orders over $100 just keeps looking better and better, doesn't it? And that includes subscriptions or renewals too!

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