Sunday, May 8, 2011

2011 Landis Valley Herb Faire

This little clip shows about 1/10th of the actual festival.
It is always a very enjoyable festival, and this year didn't disappoint us. We helped out at Kathy Musser's Cloverleaf Herb Farm booth, but I'm not sure how much help we really were. There were so many friends to talk to! The herb festivals always make me feel like we were all in hibernation and we are waking up and getting out and greeting each other for the first time in a long time.
The staff at Landis Valley does an amazing job of putting together this faire. The Heirloom Seed Project that is part of what the museum at Landis Valley does benefits from faire, but I'm not sure that anyone really recognizes what the faire has done for this region and the herbies residing and doing business here. The herbal community here is rich and varied. We are very fortunate.
The grounds of Landis Valley are a perfect backdrop for this type of event. Various period buildings have been moved to this location, creating a village with a blacksmith shop, a general store, an inn, a fire company, several barns, and various houses (among other things).
There is some farming done and it is done in the manner of the period. The work animals are enormous oxen and drought horses. There is a feeling of peace and quiet beneath all of the activity.
At opening time on Friday morning, there is just about any herb plant or product one could desire. By noon, many of the more unusual or most sought after things are sold out. This means that Friday morning brings out the serious herb shopper. Saturday is much more mellow and laid-back.
There is so much to see and do there. There are plantings around the farmstead like this celandine used for dyeing... or this large horseradish patch.
Personally, I got to talk to about 100 great herbie friends over the last two days and had a ball. Some "ghosts" from the past even came out to visit :-).
I made several purchases. My favorite (by far!) is this persimmon tree. It is already in the ground and happily snuggled into its new home.
If you are ever in Lancaster County over the weekend of Mother's Day, do not miss this herbal event!

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