Friday, June 10, 2011

Deer Creek Herb Farm

One would think that we would have been to Deer Creek Herb Farm near Reading, PA before. It is only 40 minutes up Route 222, and we pass the sign whenever we visit Molly at school (among other reasons for heading up that way), but we're so spoiled. Here at The Essential Herbal, we have such great spring herb festivals and our friendly herb farm around the corner, so we were just too darned lazy. This year, Kathy Lesher (who owns Deer Creek along with husband Jess) lured me up there with talk of a passionflower vine that is winter hardy in our area.
Before we ran up on Wednesday, Kathy sent me a message that I should take her phone number and call if she wasn't at the shop. She lives right across the road, and it was heading for 100 degrees - so I'm passing that info along. Check the website for hours and take the phone number.
Kathy raises lots of wonderful herbs and her stand has always drawn me over at the Landis Valley Herb and Garden Faire because she takes unusual plants that are hard to find. Her gardens are lush and lovely, and I think she has a penchant for the shaded medicinal plants. Her bed of goldenseal was very full. There were healthy stands of blue cohost and black cohosh (below you see black cohosh with blue cohosh on the left edge of the picture). There are several small buildings on the property (and quite a history to the place as well!) and in front of what was once a chicken house is a delightful hosta garden.
Elecampane is thinking about blooming.
Inside the shop is filled with herbal products. There are packets of dried herbs, herb blends, and simmering potpourris.
Teapots, tea blends and various accoutrement have their own place.
It's a beautiful little shop and garden with a very comfortable feel. Don't wait as long as we did to check it out!
Here's Kathy telling a little about it when I caught her at the herb festival this past spring:

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