Friday, August 19, 2011

Did someone say contest? Cultured Food Life!

Update: Congrats to Sue Smith!

If you want the book but didn't win, there's a link at the bottom of this entry to purchase. Thanks everyone!

Many subscribers have gotten their copies of The Essential Herbal by now, so they perhaps have seen the wonderful review by Danette Cathcart of "Cultured Food Life" a book on making probiotic foods. It just so happens that I have a copy here that I've been trying to figure out how to give away. The best idea I've come up with is that I'd love to see people comment, letting us know their very favorite cultured food or drink. Comments left here or on the facebook page for TEH will be entered into the drawing until the 26th.In the meantime, I highly recommend that you get to know Donna on Facebook at Cultured Food Life, where she shares information and recipes on a regular basis. She has provided us with the following recipe to enjoy while we think about what our answer for the contest will be:

Rosemary Sage Lemon Pickles

These pickles are my secret weapons.

If you haven’t heard of lacto fermented pickles you are missing out.. They are super easy to make, no canning just chopping and a little time sitting on your counter to perform their magic. They are loaded with good bacteria’s that turn these pickles into super foods. You don’t know how many times I have used the pickles and the juice themselves to cure a cold, flu and stomach ache. Acidifying bacteria make these pickles sour and load them with microbes that not only protect the food but also in turn transform you. Loading your body with much needed probiotics this is a food you always need to have on hand. They are delicious and unique and they will change you from the inside out.

Rosemary Sage Lemon Pickles

½ cup chives, chopped

2 cups cucumber, sliced

2 to 3 sprigs rosemary

4 to 8 sage leaves

1/2 Veggie pck or 1/4 cup kefir whey

1 tablespoon kosher salt

zest of one lemon

cold water to fill the jar

2 to 3 clean grape leaves, oak leaves, or cherry leaves, raspberry or blackberry leaves. (There are tannins in the leaves that make the pickles crunchy. You can leave them out but it makes a big difference in how crisp the pickles are.)

1. Slice cucumber into ¼-inch rounds. Tightly pack sliced cucumber and herbs in a 16-ounce clean glass jar until about ¾ full. Add cultures and extra water. Leave an inch or two of room at the top of the jar. The pickles will ferment bubbly and expand.

Let sit on counter tightly capped for 3 days and then place in refrigerator to further culture. They are ready to eat after about a week but keep fermenting and age much like a fine wine. I like them at about 2 to 3 weeks.


Click here if you can't wait and want to order a copy

Here is the link for the kefir whey

on the recipe.

And for the 1/2 veggie packages.

Both of these are on the same line as an ingredient in the recipe.

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