Monday, October 17, 2011

Southeast Women's Herbal Conference

Every year there are a number of herb conferences. Some people get to one or two, some go to many, and for some, the one attended this year is the first. The feeling after an herb conference is always one of rejuvenation, of finding like minded people, and of being part of something greater than one's self. And so it was with the SEWHC.
For me, this conference was even more than that. We'd had a drawing for 2 tickets earlier in the year. After awarding the tickets to the winners Julie...
and Mary...Maryanne and I decided that we would go too. On the last day I got a chance to talk to them both about their experience, and both of them told me that they had found pieces to a puzzle, that the conference had helped them to define their paths. Truly, just being able to see them both attending their first conferences was enough of a joy to me, but the thing is, my life's work is about sharing the love and power of herbs. It is impossible for me to express how thrilled I am that both of these incredible women got exactly what they were looking for. What a gift to ME that is!
This was also the trip during which my sister and I realized that as much as we love being outside among the plants, we enjoy a clean, soft bed at night, a warm shower in the morning, and basically, a Super 8 IS camping at our age. Okay, I'll cop to that. Oh believe me, if you added it up, we've both spent years sleeping under the stars or in lean-to's, waking up with bugs in our hair and leaves and twigs in our creases and folds. We were sorry to miss the camaraderie, but also happy to be able to go back to the hotel and keep up with the word on the occupations taking place all over the world.
We enjoyed the conference very much on our own terms, and it was good.
So I will share some memories with you.
Jars of tea infusing in the sunChildren playing The class we took on wild fermentation with Charli VogtWatching Brooke Medicine Eagle drumming in the center of a women's circleJanna waking up on the last dayCeara Foley on herbs for farm and familyOne of the many expressive vehicles in the lot
The overflow of diners from the immense dining hall, many of whom chose the Nourishing Traditions meal options. The other food options were scrumptious too!I have scores of pictures of the mountains - which I adored. The winds were amazing, following the storms from earlier in the week, and they seemed to be blowing away layers of care and worry.
It was a wonderful conference and everyone was welcoming and open to new friendships and opportunities. It was very inspiring. Thanks to the crew at SEWHC and all your hard work. Amazing job - we loved it!

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