Saturday, January 28, 2012

The TEH Mailbox Follies

Sometimes, going out to pick up the mail is all it takes to crack me up.
For the past two days, I've wandered back to the office smiling. Today in fact, I burst out laughing and haven't actually stopped yet.
Yesterday was a sweetly decorated envelope with an herb lady, whose skirt held my address, and a new book, just released from one our friends/writers, and fellow renaissance faire herb ladies, Sue-Ryn Burns (available from Sue-Ryn's envelope was also beautiful, decorated with stars and fairies - but I neglected to put it in the photo.
Today's surprise came from Debbie Stiffler, a fellow herbie from up north. I wasn't expecting anything, so imagine my surprise when, upon opening the box out popped Punxatawney Phil AND Phyllis, along with a wee glycerine soap in the shape of - you guessed it - a groundhog!
I've had an on-going "relationship" with the resident live groundhogs here, and perhaps have been a little too vocal about it. Could it have been the out-of-print Jan/Feb '05 issue of The Essential Herbal where I had my brother Photoshop a groundhog into an underground jail made of roots? Was it the golden marmot (that didn't fool me, by the way, it was a groundhog) hand-puppet that my sister brought me back from Colorado last summer that I promptly and accidentally managed to burn on a lightbulb? And who now rests upon a porch newel post as a warning to other "golden marmots" who may consider living too close to me?
I will have to THANK Debra for making sure I have new ones.
In any case, so often, the mailbox holds something that makes me smile. When someone goes to the trouble to write and mail me a note to tell me they like the work we do here, it somehow touches me in a way that an email usually doesn't (although there are many, many exceptions to that rule).
I will miss Saturday deliveries if they go away. We work on Saturdays, so we'd miss it. If the entire mail system went away, it would be a tremendous loss.
Consider writing someone a letter or note. I guarantee they'll enjoy it.

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