Monday, November 5, 2012

Going outside again, after the storm

It has been a long, gray spell here in the North East.  Hard to complain about gray when so many are cold, hungry and homeless after this storm (which, by the way you can help alleviate by visiting this registry on Amazon, ordering, and having it shipped directly to where it is needed... LINK) but after 10 days, it got to be too much.
Today we are participating with Possum Creek Herb Farm, on a blog hop that addresses the love of herbs.
 That got me out into the woods yesterday, even though it was so gloomy.  I'm so glad.  It's easy to forget how lovely everything is, and the weather mixed with slammin' business this fall have kept me from my usual autumnal rites of going into the woods often to bid adieu to the flora before it goes to sleep for the winter.  Here is a photo-tour of the walk...

I love to stand under the trees and look up to see the way the branches blend.

There is a fallen log that has grown this particular fungus for several years.  We haven't id'd it.

This is the same fungus as above, but older.  Anyone recognize it?

This well weathered, honey-combed piece of wood sat next to one of the shrooms.

Another log serves as a turkey tail nursery.  These are no bigger than a fingernail each.

The other side of the log was covered with more mature specimens.

Another (new to us) fungus.  No clue.  Anyone?  This is about the size of a cauliflower.

All over on the ground, black walnuts.

Next spring, the creek's banks will be awash with wildflowers.  G'night creek...

Goldenrod seeds cling to the plant for now.

More tree-gazing...

Rhododendron blooms unperturbed by the weather.

One last look skyward before heading inside to work.

The sun broke through today (finally) and we might have a little sun before the next storm heads up the coast. I will spend some time outside!

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