Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Toos-day - Violet syrup

I have to admit I am busy with the spring gardenin preparation and the programs I have been doing and scheduling, but I just had to share this (so I am not just posting this becasue it keeps me from writing a blog myself!!)

With spring the violets bloom first.  Here in Illinois they are coming, but with 37 degrees as a high and snow predicted I am guessing we will not have a bumper crop here for a bit yet.  However, if you live a bit farther south than the great lakes, this is the perfect time to make Violet syrup and flower jellies.

My freind Tina Sams (of the Essential Herbal Magazine) had a great post back in 2009 that she recently updated about how to make violet syrup.  Her blog is great so I suggest you click the link and check it out.


We were again published in the Essential Herbal Magazine.  If you want to subscribe to this reasonably priced Herb Magazine for all types of herb lovers, check out this link: Essential Herbal.

Thank you!

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