Monday, April 18, 2011

Lectures and programs

I just had to share what a marvelous time I had today doing a program for the Hinsdale (IL) Garden Study Group today.  They had about 40 members there and I did my program "INFUSIONS" which is about making vinegars, oils, water, sugar and salts infused with herbs.  I passed items around and demonstrated some techniques and shared the way to make each of the infused items.  The women were wonderfully attentive, even though I ran long and had extraordinary questions.  Overall it was a great experience and one I thoroughly enjoyed.

Tomorrow I will be presenting and selling my wares at the Oakbrook, IL chapter of the Salvation Army women's group.  I am looking forward to this group and its educational theme.  I will be doing my program "Beginning Herbs"  where I speak about how to grow and use herbs.

The Salvation Army is one of Chas and my favorite charities and this year I know donations were down, so I am virtually donating my program tomorrow so they don't have to dig into their coffers to pay my fee.  In exchange they are letting me set out a few things to sell which should cover my gas expenses, if the cost of gas does not go up again!!

If you have a local Illinois, southern Wisconsin or western Indiana organization and would like me to come share about herbs, you can see a list of all my available programs, by visiting

Have a great day!

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