Friday, June 8, 2012

Change of pace - sigh...

I consider myself very fortunate for a lot of reasons.  Usually they are counted on this blog in measures of the ways I love the natural world and all the beauty that offers on a daily basis.  Sometimes though, it is because the man in my life thoroughly enjoys sharing some of the other delights the world has to offer.  Things that just don't happen here on this heavenly hill...
 Now that we have finally realized how much easier life is when we let a mailing house take care of shipping The Essential Herbal bulk mailing, that leaves a few days to breath after the completion of each issue, and he has been taking advantage of those windows.  This time however, my sister's soap business exploded with orders in my absence, but that was sort of fun to come home to anyhow.
 I suppose Atlantic City is the "sin city" of the East.  It's a fun change from the wholesome, good, clean fun we have at home on a daily basis.  At one point, I noticed someone lounging on a counter and thought to myself "that person appears to have very long legs", before noticing that in fact there were stilts involved.  The people watching is one of my favorite activities whenever I find myself surrounded by lots and lots of people.  NYC is a favorite place for that, but AC comes in a close second.
 We took a long ride down the boardwalk one sunny, breezy afternoon.  They've gotten rid of the trams, in favor of pushcarts.  The man we hired told us that it was done to provide more jobs.  What a concept, huh?
The view from our hotel windows allowed us to see all the way to the tip of the island along the beach, as well as the bay.  The skies blessed us with puffy clouds and beautiful nights.
 The food...  Where do I begin?  I'd LIKE to start with the individual meyer lemon cheesecakes smothered in fresh berries.  In fact, I'd like to start everyday with that particular morsel.  But we shared some of the best meals either of us can remember.  I guess it helps that we didn't need to cook them or clean up after ourselves.  In my opinion, that always makes everything taste better!
 The beach was really beautiful  This early in the season, there weren't too many people on them, so it was easy and comfortable to wander along in the morning sunshine, kicking at pebbles and poking at seaweeds to get a better look.
Might as well mention that the slot machines were fairly kind and let us go home with everything we took along, plus some change.
A change of pace is a wonderful thing.  Getting back into the usual groove is a little more challenging than I remember.  The stack of orders is almost finished and ready for shipment.  Most of the soaps have been wrapped and will be delivered over the next few days too.
I'll just hang onto this little bit of pure happy, and pull it out if I need it on cloudy days.

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