Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Susanna Reppert Brill :-)

I have a friend who is having one of those landmark birthdays today.  I'm out of town and so....

We've been friends for about 20 years, but I doubt if she knows how much I respect her or care about her.  It seems like on those landmark birthdays, you look back over your life and wonder how you're doing with life and whether you're accomplishing what you'd like to do.  Some people say that being a good friend is about all we can hope for in this life.  Some would say that being a loving person would be the goal.  Nobody really knows the answer, I guess, but she's got those two cornered.
I knew her as a single woman, watched her meet and marry her husband, rejoiced over her children's births, and mourned the passing of her parents.  She's been a reasonable ear/voice for some of my best and worst moments too and didn't remind me if/when I didn't heed her advice .  I watch her juggle her family, full-time shop, speaking engagements, full schedule of classes, and friendships with awe.  Like my own situation, she has a sister nearby who helps a lot and that cannot be underestimated, but she manages all of these things with grace and steadfast integrity.
She's one of those people who, when the chips are down, steps up.  Really steps up.
She says, "this is what I can do for you, and I want to do it, and it's no trouble."
She's the kind of friend who tells you when you're being an idiot.
When you say something snarky about someone you both know, she defends them without fail.
When you set up next to her at an herb faire, she'll start selling your products and setting you up with people who are looking for a speaker or a writer.
She has a dry wit that took me a while to peg, but now makes me laugh til I choke.
She's a fantastic writer, a brilliant and seasoned speaker, and knows more about herbs than just about anyone I know, besides being modest to a fault.
She's probably going to hate this post :-D
Sorry about that!
Happy Birthday Susanna Reppert.  Love you.

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